This Country Environmental Analysis(CEA) has been developed by the World Bank in cooperationwith the Government of Jordan. It aims to integrateenvironment into development and poverty reductionpriorities. The CEA will be a vital instrument for designingJordans future policies, by integrating the economic policytools in our decision making processes. As the latesteconomic crises and its implications have shown, an economicmodel that is based on consumption alone cannot besustained; accordingly many countries identified the need togreen their economics as the base for sustainable growth anddevelopment. Jordans green economic initiative will enhancesocial integration, economic growth an environmentalsustainability within one focused, measured and stableeconomic plan. Jordan is a small country that is rich inhuman capital; the green journey will be a twenty yearsprogram to retrofit our infrastructure, to become energy,water and resource efficient. The recommendations identifiedin this document will be the main drivers for theenvironmental policies in the country. The issue of adequateincentives for better quantity management clearly remainsimportant, but is not addressed in this report. After thenational agenda was established, it appears that thereduction of water related subsidies and the creation ofincentives for allocating water to higher value added usesare being recognized as necessities that public policieswill address in the future.