The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a jointpolicy initiative, which aims to deepen and strengthenrelations between the European Union (EU) and its sixEastern neighbours. One of its four priority areas isstronger connectivity which includes the extension of theTrans European Transport Network (TEN-T) to the EaP region.On the policy front, it aims at achieving regulatoryconvergence across transport modes between member countriesand with the EU to heighten the focus on energy efficiencyand combat climate change. The EaP countries experienced alarge shock to their economies following the end of theSoviet Union in 1989. At the same time, EaP countries areacutely aware of the need to converge with the EU in termsof energy efficiency, environment and climate change goals.The EU is currently formalising its European Green Deal,which is a roadmap for making the EU's economysustainable. The objective of this study is to assistdecision-makers in prioritizing strategic transport policiesand infrastructure investments. It develops the evidencebase and prioritisation framework for improving thetransport sector of the region including improved energyefficiency and sustainability so that it is not left behindby advances in the EU. The study has also developed anonline visualization tool to help policy makers explore anduse the results of the modelling exercise.