The health equity and financialprotection datasheets provide a picture of equity andfinancial protection in the health sectors of low-andmiddle-income countries. Topics covered include:inequalities in health outcomes, health behavior and healthcare utilization; benefit incidence analysis; financialprotection; and the progressivity of health care financing.The tables in this report show how health outcomes, riskybehaviors and health care utilization vary across asset(wealth) quintiles and periods. The quintiles are based onan asset index constructed using principal componentsanalysis. Benefit-Incidence Analysis (BIA) shows whether,and by how much, government health expendituredisproportionately benefits the poor. The distribution ofsubsidies depends on the assumptions made to allocatesubsidies to households. Under the constant unit costassumption, each unit of utilization is assumed to cost thesame and is equal to total costs incurred in delivering thistype of service divided by the number of units of utilization.