This report captures the outcomes of theTA on Strengthening Urban Resilience in Ethiopia, includingCity Strength Diagnostic carried out in the Dire Dawa CityAdministration and nine regional capitals of Ethiopia.Chapter two provides an overview of shocks and stresses inthe cities, the growing hazard exposure, the impacts ofclimate change, and preparedness in terms of emergencyresponse and safe building construction. It also addressesthe question of what hazards cities are exposed to (now andin future), and whether they are adequately prepared.Chapter three focuses on the resilience of urban systemsbased on assessments in 10 sectors across the 10 cities. Itanswers the question whether local capacity exists to dealwith shocks and stresses, and if urban systems areresilient. Each sectoral assessment is done against the fivequalities of resilience to understand capacity constraintsand resilience priorities. This exercise was conductedjointly by the participants in the consultations and theWorld Bank sectoral specialists. After determiningvulnerabilities at the sectoral level, Chapter four providesa summary of the priorities at the city level that weredetermined during the consultation workshops. It providesdetails of critical actions needed to make Ethiopian citiesmore resilient. Designed to be accessible to a broadaudience, this report presents the most relevant andactionable information that emerged from the diagnostic exercise.