The objective of this study is toimprove understanding of the implications of climate changefor the groundwater systems in coastal Bangladesh. This isachieved by: (a) obtaining available geologic, hydrologic,and geochemical information on coastal aquifers ofBangladesh; (b) developing groundwater flow and salttransport models representing general features andconditions along the coast of Bangladesh; and (c) simulatingpotential changes in the groundwater systems due to variousaspects of human activity and climate change. The simulationanalysis will focus on both the pattern and response time ofthe saltwater-freshwater distribution in subsurfaceaquifers, with a view towards sustainability of current andfuture water use under stress due to climate change. Thestudy is aimed at understanding processes and rates ofchange for systems representative of a range of conditionsin coastal Bangladesh, but it is expected that regional andlocal differences occur. Thus, only general conclusions andguidance should be drawn from this work.