Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programsare becoming a popular tool for alleviating short-termpoverty and reducing the inter-generational transmission ofpoverty. More than 30 developing and transition countrieshave implemented these programs, providing incentives topoor households to make investments in the human capital oftheir children. Programs vary in scale, transfer size,conditionality's, eligibility, and implementationfeatures. This report is structured around five chapters asfollows: the first chapter gives an overview of the program,the context in which it was implemented and availableevidence on the impacts of the Female School Stipend Program(FSSP) as well as other CCTs. Chapter two focuses on thequestions this evaluation sets out to answer and the methodsand information used to answer them. The third chapterpresents the results from the analysis and is structuredaround three evaluation questions regarding average impact,heterogeneity of impacts, and spillover effects. Chapterfour performs the robustness checks of the findings,examining whether they are sensitive to preprogram trends,measurement error, endogenous compositional changes, andcrowding-out effects. Finally, the conclusion discusses theimplications of the results, some limitations of thisevaluation, and areas that require further work.