Each of the chapters presented in thisreport is based on a series of 15 thematic reports. Theyprovided the basis for the joint identification of keypriority reforms by the World Bank and China that werebought together and published in an accompanying SynthesisReport. Topics included: (1) overview of water governance inChina; (2) evaluation of China’s water security status andissues; (3) advancing water quality markets in China; (4)macro-economic impacts of water scarcity and redlines inChina; (5) re-examining the Three Red Lines Policy; (6)water rights verifications and transactions; (7) bestpractices in cost-benefit analysis for water investments;(8) water prices, taxes, and fees; (9) flood risk managementand protection; (10) ecology compensation and governance;(11) legal reform for water governance; (12) China’s watermanagement administrative system and its reform; (13)technical innovation and development of an informationplatform in China; (14) Public Private Partnerships andwater governance in China; (15) summary and overall designof China’s water governance system. These discussionsemphasized key issues for water governance in China,including the need for a stronger legislative foundation forwater governance; enhanced basin-scale governanceinstitutions; harmonization of existing policy tools, suchas water permits and water rights; better information anddata-sharing; and the need to promote ecosystem resilience.Based on these consultations and discussions, a final set of15 key recommendations have been put forward. Theserecommendations form the core of the accompanying SynthesisReport. Each priority area is the subject of a separatechapter focusing on the rationale for each of the policyrecommendations, drawing on research completed by each study team.