Since the Asian Financial Crisis in thelate 1990s and through the Global Financial Crisis of thelast decade, commendable progress has been made by themember states of the Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN) in improving economic and human development outcomesboth within each country and across countries. Since 1997,the economies of the poorest countries in the ASEAN,Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam, have generally grownfaster than the richer economies, which has reduced gaps inper capita incomes. Overall, child mortality rates have beencut by two-thirds across the ASEAN. And significantreductions have occurred even in some of the poorer membercountries such as Cambodia and Lao PDR. However, thisreport The ASEAN Equitable Development Monitor (henceforthreferred to as The Monitor), also shows that much remains tobe done to ensure that the poorest members of the ASEANcommunity, within countries and across countries, are notleft behind as the countries of the ASEAN integrate further.In both policies and development outcomes, differencesacross the countries of the ASEAN remain large. In thiscontext, the monitor is designed to facilitate furtherdiscussion on policies and programs that can promoteinclusive growth within ASEAN member countries and acrossthe ASEAN community. It presents a number of indicators thatare intended to provide a summary of development outcomesacross and within the ten ASEAN countries and over time. Onthis basis, the monitor is intended to help policymakers inASEAN member states to identify areas of concerns andprioritize national and regional interventions. The monitortracks indicators across two broad sets of developmentoutcomes and policies: (i) economic development; and (ii)human development.