Kenya may be at a "tippingpoint," the theme of the third Kenya economic updatewhich has a special focus on the transformative impact ofinformation and communication technology (ICT) and mobilemoney. Over the last decade, ICT has outperformed all otherssectors growing at an average of 20 percent per year. Thebenefits of ICT are starting to be felt in other sectors,and have contributed to the conditions for Kenya to reachthis tipping point. Kenya has entered the new decade withrenewed and stronger than expected growth. The passing ofthe new constitution, continued strong macroeconomicpolicies, and a favorable regional environment have createda new positive economic momentum. Kenya may again bepositioned to experience high growth. Over the last threedecades Kenya has experienced only two short episodes wheneconomic growth exceeded five percent and was sustained forat least three consecutive years: 1986-88, and 2004-2007. IsKenya again at the verge of experiencing another growthspurt? Will it last longer and go deeper than the previoustwo episodes?