This report is the outcome of assessmentand is intended as an advisory note to the Ministry ofAgriculture (MoA) and Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB)to enable them to identify a strategy and potential publicinvestments to improve current risk-management practices inthe rice supply chain. This report identifies the majorrisks facing the rice supply chain, ranks them in terms oftheir potential impact and frequency, and offers a frameworkfor improving current risk-management practices. Therecommendations and findings will provide a basis forfollow-up planning work by the Government of Guyana (GoG),the World Bank, and other development partners. The findingsand analysis of this initial assessment are based on amethodology designed by the Agricultural Risk ManagementTeam (ARMT) for assessing risks in agricultural supplychains. This report provides an indicative list of potentialsolutions to address the dominant risks in the rice supplychain; however, the assessment or evaluation of theindividual solutions was beyond the scope of this exercise.To ensure the greatest return on future public investmentsin implementing risk management solutions, GRDB and MoA needto undertake an exhaustive cost-benefit assessment ofdifferent options. This will enable MoA to identify andimplement the necessary activities to reduce thevulnerability of the rice supply chain in Guyana.