The Government of Indonesia hasintroduced many reforms to improve the quality of educationbut learning outcomes have continued to lag. Improving thequality of education has been especially challenging inrural and remote areas. Starting in 2016, the World Banksupported the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to promotesocial accountability to improve teacher performance inremote areas through KIAT Guru. This report providesqualitative insights on how an innovative socialaccountability model resulted in significant improvements inlearning outcomes. The study finds social accountability ismore effective when it is linked with a strong and objectiveenforcement mechanism. KIAT Guru combined a socialaccountability mechanism (SAM) with a pay-for-performancemechanism (PPM) to improve teacher presence, teacher serviceperformance, and student learning outcomes in remoteschools. This report focuses on the results of thequalitative study of the nine case study schools. The nineschools were in three of the five pilot districts: Ketapang,Landak, and Manggarai Barat. The qualitative data collectedthrough the case studies of the nine schools complements thequantitative measurements of the impact of KIAT Guru. Thedata collected by the qualitative researchers indicate thatimplementation of the KIAT Guru project had a strong andpervasive impact on the nine schools included in the study.The researchers concluded that in all nine locations, thequality of teaching and school-community relations improvedover the course of the project. The researchers concludedthat the positive outcomes of KIAT Guru outweighed thechallenges that surfaced in the communities they studied.The results from the qualitative study of KIAT Guru indicatethat social accountability linked to pay based on teacherpresence (SAM+Cam) shows the greatest potential forleveraging change in teacher behavior.