The Results in Education for AllChildren (REACH) Trust Fund at the World Bank funded afeasibility study and a pre-pilot of performance-basedschool grants and teacher incentives among 20 rural primaryschools in Cameroon. The purpose was to assess whether theseRBF mechanisms could feasibly be used to improvetransparency, financial management, and monitoring at theschool level, increase community satisfaction, and drawlessons from the implementation of these RBF mechanisms toenable the initiative to be scaled up throughout Cameroon.While it is not possible to draw conclusions about theeffect of this RBF program on education access or qualitygiven the short time period and small sample size, thispre-pilot demonstrated that RBF is feasible in rural primaryschools in Cameroon and highlighted the importance ofseveral critical preconditions that must be in place for RBFto be effective. These preconditions include a simple andcontext-appropriate design, clear communication with keystakeholders, effective monitoring tools to assess schooland teacher performance, and community involvement.