In many developing countries with largerural populations and low rural electrification rates, mostcommunity health and education facilities lack access toelectricity. For facilities in remote areas beyond reach ofthe national grid, photovoltaic's (PV) systems mayoffer the most practical and least-cost way to accesselectricity. A PV system uses predictable solar resourcesand has long been cost competitive with diesel generatorsand other alternatives. In off-grid rural primary schoolsand health dispensaries, for example, PV systems oftentimesare an appropriate way to run many low-power, high-valueappliances and equipment, from lamps and vaccinerefrigerators to water pumps, television sets, andcomputers. Thus, if the electricity grid is not expected toarrive in the near future or if diesel fuel is unavailableor too expensive, a PV system may offer the least-costtechnology for providing electricity service. If this rapidassessment determines that PV is a viable option, it resultsin a brief concept for a possible project and the plan forits preparation. The project concept is discussed withstakeholders and independent specialists, including off-gridrenewable energy specialists, and is adjusted asappropriate. The plan for project preparation takes intoaccount an assessment of available information andactivities to be undertaken during preparation to fill gapsand generate additional and improved data. The second phaseof project development is the preparation of the PVimplementation plan. This is accomplished with theassistance of several specialists, including a PV technicalspecialist, and involves working closely with leadorganization managers and specialists, broad-basedstakeholder consultations, and multiple iterations. Thethird phase of project development, procurements andcontract management, involves securing firm financingcommitments (including those for post-project recurrentcosts), developing tender packages, tendering andcontracting, and contract management. The fourth phase,long-term operation, is where too many projects fail. Insummary, this toolkit is, at a minimum, a checklist of keyissues to address in developing an institutional PV project.While it is not a technical manual, nor a substitute forusing professional PV specialists to size, configure, andspecify system and maintenance requirements, it offerspractical operational guidance to assess, develop, andimplement projects with PV systems in ways that enhance costeffective supply and sustainable post-project operations.The guidance offered herein demonstrates that theopportunities for effectively addressing the issues toestablish the basis for sustainability are many.