There is a policy measure that cansimultaneously save millions of lives, reduce poverty, andincrease countries’ domestic resources for financingdevelopment. The policy measure consists of increasingexcise tax rates on tobacco in order to reduce itsaffordability and, as evidence shows, lower its consumption.Today, this powerful human development and poverty reductionmeasure remains largely underutilized, especially in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). This report providesdecision support for policy makers on tobacco tax reform, aswell as analytical and empirical tools for using tobaccoexcise taxes to save lives and increase government revenues.The report sets forth the public health, economic, andanti-poverty case for higher tobacco taxes; shows how somecountries have already delivered ambitious reforms; anddocuments measurable results. It shows that, by implementingtobacco tax reforms now, policy makers can choose a fastroad to healthier, more prosperous societies.