This Public Expenditure Review (PER) forhealth in Zimbabwe is an analytical report developed by theWorld Bank Health, Nutrition and Population Task Teamworking with the World Bank’s Macroeconomics and FiscalManagement Global Practice team, Zimbabwe’s Ministry ofFinance and Economic Development (MOFED) and Ministry ofHealth and Child Care (MOHCC), with input from developmentpartners. The aims of the PER are to provide objectiveevidence to inform the allocation of resources to enableequitable, efficient, and sustainable health care provisionand to highlight questions about health sector performancefor policy makers and key stakeholders. The findings alsoaim to present Zimbabwe’s health sector spending in aninternational and regional perspective, highlighting keyissues for improving health outcomes. The PER is based onanalysis of primary and secondary data as well as anextensive review of existing literature. The research wascomplemented by interviews with key stakeholders, and datacollection from major development partners and domestichealth funders, including private companies. Micro-leveldata from household and health facility surveys inMay–August 2014 (primarily for the impact evaluation of theResults-Based Financing (RBF) program supported by the WorldBank)complemented these scarce data.