The International Finance Corporation(IFC) is the private sector arm of the World Bank Group(WBG) and one of the leading investors and lenders inemerging markets. Efforts to strengthen the global financialsystem following the 2007-2008 global financial crisis havecontributed to withdrawal of correspondent banking services,which has a disproportionately negative impact on emergingmarkets. Increasingly, correspondent banks are payinggreater attention to their respondents’ anti-moneylaundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML andCFT) program effectiveness, know your customer and customerdue diligence (KYC and CDD) programs, and theirjurisdiction-related obligations to comply with AML and CFTrequirements. In the survey, private sector emerging marketbanks identified assistance with understanding and adaptingto new global standards as one solution component that willbe most useful. In response, IFC has published this goodpractice note: AML and CFT risk management in emergingmarket banks (GPN) for banks to advance their knowledge andcapabilities in AML and CFT risk management and facilitateand support the maintenance of correspondent bankingrelationships (CBRs).