The objectives of this CountryEnvironmental Analysis (CEA) for the Central AfricanRepublic, are to provide an analytical basis for thedevelopment of policy recommendations, assist in definingpriority investments to address the most significantenvironmental management challenges, and informdecision-making in relation to the achievement ofsustainable economic growth. This analysis consists of threecomponents, the first being an identification and estimationof the principal sources, costs, and trends, ofenvironmental degradation. This is followed by an analysisof the current institutional capacity for environmentalmanagement. Finally, priority environmental issues areanalysed, leading to a set of policy and investmentrecommendations. The three most important priorities are:environmental management in the mining sector; management offorests and wildlife resources; and promoting growth that isresilient to climate change. Two generic CEA tasks were alsoundertaken: an analysis of the costs of environmentaldegradation, and an assessment of institutional capacity forenvironmental management. Recommendations for policy,investment, and technical assistance are presented as short,medium, or long term priorities, in table format, togetherwith an indication of the primary responsibility for eachaction, and an initial budget estimate for the investment,and technical assistance recommendations.