Despite its challenging circumstances,Bangladesh has proven to be remarkably resilient andachieved significant human development gains. The countrypartnership framework (CPF) will refocus the World BankGroup’s (WBG’s) strategic direction on removing stubbornimpediments to job creation and growth. The CPF will buildon a well-performing portfolio, particularly in humandevelopment, identified by the systematic country diagnostic(SCD) as foundational priorities which are importantprerequisites to sustained growth. Engagements from theprevious strategy that promote inclusive growth - notably inhealth, education, and social protection, as well as inrevenue mobilization, financial sector support, and thebusiness environment - will continue. The CPF will also givegreater prominence to policy reforms and make policydialogue an integral building block in the country program.The CPF considers three selectivity criteria: (i)consistency with the government’s seventh five year plan toensure strong country ownership; (ii) alignment with policypriorities identified in the SCD, in particular the fivetransformational priorities to achieve the greatest impacton poverty reduction and shared prosperity; and (iii) theWBG comparative advantage, taking into account the knowledgeand financing support provided by other developmentpartners. The activities in the CPF are structured aroundthree focus areas consistent with the South Asia regionalstrategy - growth, social inclusion, and climate andenvironmental management.