Maldives is an island nation scatteredin the Indian Ocean comprising 1,190 small coral islands ofwhich 190 are inhabited by a local population of 341,000.Maldives’ unique archipelagic coral island provides thecountry with an extremely rich and diverse marine ecologicalsystem. With more territorial sea than land, marineresources have played a vital role shaping the contours ofeconomic development, with nature-based tourism being thekey driver of economic growth and fisheries an importantsector of employment for the local population. Maldivesdeveloped a successful high-end tourism sector, whosesizeable rents have been redistributed to the population toaddress its development challenges. This systematic countrydiagnostic for Maldives aims at identifying the mostcritical constraints and opportunities facing the country asit works towards promoting sustainable growth, reducingpoverty and boosting shared prosperity. In addition toserving as a public good for the government, civil society,research and academic community, and local and internationaldevelopment partners, the findings of the SCD will be usedas key inputs in the preparation of the WBG strategy, theCountry Partnership Framework, which will outline how theBank Group’s engagement in Maldives can best contributetowards achieving the twin goals.