This report presents the results of theService Delivery Indicators in the education sector in Nigerin 2015. Survey implementation was preceded by extensiveconsultation with Government and key stakeholders on surveydesign, sampling, and adaptation of survey instruments.Pre-testing of the survey instruments took place in 2013,while training of field staff and field work took place in2015, and data entry, cleaning, and analysis took place in2016 and 2017.Information was collected from 256 primaryschools, 1,748 teachers, and 3,661 grade four and fivepupils in Niger. The results provide a representativesnapshot of primary education service delivery in Niger. Thesurvey provides information on four elements of servicedelivery: measures of (i) teacher effort; (ii) teacherknowledge and ability; (iii) the availability of key inputsand infrastructure; and (iv) management, supervision, andcommunity engagement.