The objectives of the study are to: a)increase understanding of the effects and effectiveness ofthe implementation of the local government reform launchedin 2006; and b) assess the impact of a World Bank-supportedintervention that aimed to enhance effectiveness of thereforms by increasing local capacity and localparticipation. In line with these objectives, the studyassessed the perceived effects and effectiveness of theimplementation of the local government reform in selectedprovinces. The study also constitutes a baseline to allowfor on-going assessment of progress and to inform correctivepolicy actions. The instruments and methods created duringthe study may be used in future assessments of the dynamicsof local governance reform. These effects are reviewed insection two. The study also carried out a rigorousevaluation of the impact of an operational interventioncarried out with World Bank support in the three regions ofthe study. This grant-funded project was aimed at increasingthe effectiveness of participation of rural citizens inpublic life and increasing the capacity of localadministrations to operate in the new legal and fiscalenvironment created by the decentralization reform. Thesummary of the impact evaluation can be found in section three.