This report is the product of a jointGovernment of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and World Bankinitiative aimed at facilitating informed policy making inkey areas of public service management. The objective was tofacilitate a process in which a Bank-supported team willprovide technical inputs and will support appropriateconsultation leading to informed and pragmatic policy makingand implementation. Coordination, in particular on policyformulation, is difficult and a key constraint in younggovernments and more so in post-conflict situations such asthat of Southern Sudan. Available analytical and executivecapacity is already stretched. The number of issues thatneed to be addressed is large and prioritization isdifficult. There are sharp political divisions that are noteasily reconciled. The report is presented in two parts.Part one provides the background as well as a summary offindings and recommendations. Chapter one provides a briefhistorical background and lessons from this experience butmay be skipped without loss of continuity. Chapter twopresents an overview of the issues and options facing theGoSS in managing the public service, implementing thedecentralization vision and tackling corruption andsummarizes the findings presented in detail in the secondpart of the report. Part two covers the three thematic areasthat are the subject of this initiative in greater detail:chapter three on public service reform, chapter four ondecentralization, and chapter five on corruption. Twoannexes document key aspects of the process. A third annexsummarizes a paper on traditional authorities prepared aspart of this exercise.