The main public policy objectives of adeposit insurer are to reimburse depositors afterbankfailure and to contribute to the stability of afinancial system. To achieve these objectivesand to buildpublic confidence in a deposit insurance system, depositinsurers musthave operational readiness to be able to actquickly after a bank failure. Sound fundingarrangements areessential aspects of such readiness, as they ensure promptreimbursementof insured depositors and sufficient funds forthe deposit insurer to unwind the institution.Depositorconfidence depends, in part, on knowing that adequate fundsfor depositinsurance would always be available to ensure theprompt reimbursement of their claims. Itis thereforeconsidered a best practice to build credible ex-ante fundingmechanisms whichhave the financial capacity to ensure thatthese obligations are met.