This report reviews selected issues in public expenditures for education in Moldova. It is theproduct not of a comprehensive analysis that would comprise a full-fledged Public ExpenditureReview (PER), but from a review of key elements related to financing of the education sector as awhole, and to important sub-segments of the education and training system. In particular, afterproviding an overview of the governance and financing arrangements of the education system(chapter 1), and of recent general trends in education expenditures (chapter 2), the report focuseson trends in capital investment for pre-primary education, driven largely by the strong increases inthe recent period (chapter 3). It then proceeds with a broad first assessment of the impact ofongoing optimization reforms in general education on efficiency, quality, and equity (chapter 4).The report also looks at the external efficiency of vocational education and training (VET) andhigher education (HE), particularly on the extent to which financing mechanisms are applied topromote the demand-responsiveness of education and training provision.