The structure of this report isorganized into 10 sections. Following the Introduction,section two discusses the country context in terms ofdemographic trends and potential dividends and the fiscalspace in relation to the increasing social sector demand.Section three provides an overview of the education sectorcontext and structure, together with a chronological orderof the education sector’s policies, goals, and priorities.Section four analyzes key education sector performanceindicators. Section five analyzes the education sectorfinancing such as the budget framework and budget process,main actors, sources of funding, trends in publicexpenditure, and budget allocation. Section six assesses theadequacy and sustainability of public spending. Sectionseven examines education sector management issues focusingon the efficiency and effectiveness of resourcesutilization. Section eight examines equity, affordability,and the role of the government in protecting equity. Sectionnine simulates enrollment growth and the associated humanand financial needs and provides projections of the laborforce by educational attainment under various scenarios. Theanalysis is followed by section ten, a summary of the mainfindings and policy recommendations. The annex is dividedinto four sections: a methodological note, supportingtables, figures, and a section on examples of evaluated interventions.