This economy profile for Doing Business2016 presents the 11 Doing Business indicators for ElSalvador. To allow for useful comparison, the profile alsoprovides data for other selected economies (comparatoreconomies) for each indicator. Doing Business 2016 is the13th edition in a series of annual reports measuring theregulations that enhance business activity and those thatconstrain it. Economies are ranked on their ease of doingbusiness; for 2015 El Salvador ranks 86. A high ease ofdoing business ranking means the regulatory environment ismore conducive to the starting and operation of a localfirm. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators onbusiness regulations and the protection of property rightsthat can be compared across 189 economies from Afghanistanto Zimbabwe and over time. Doing Business sheds light on howeasy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open andrun a small to medium-size business when complying withrelevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes inregulations affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of abusiness: starting a business, dealing with constructionpermits, getting electricity, registering property, gettingcredit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, tradingacross borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvencyand labor market regulation. The data in this report arecurrent as of June 1, 2015 (except for the paying taxesindicators, which cover the period from January to December 2014).