This economy profile for Doing Business2016 presents the 11 Doing Business indicators for Iran,Islamic Republic of. To allow for useful comparison, theprofile also provides data for other selected economies(comparator economies) for each indicator. Doing Business2016 is the 13th edition in a series of annual reportsmeasuring the regulations that enhance business activity andthose that constrain it. Economies are ranked on their easeof doing business; for 2015 Iran, Islamic Republic of ranks118. A high ease of doing business ranking means theregulatory environment is more conducive to the starting andoperation of a local firm. Doing Business presentsquantitative indicators on business regulations and theprotection of property rights that can be compared across189 economies from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and over time.Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it isfor a local entrepreneur to open and run a small tomedium-size business when complying with relevantregulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulationsaffecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a business: startinga business, dealing with construction permits, gettingelectricity, registering property, getting credit,protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading acrossborders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and labormarket regulation. The data in this report are current as ofJune 1, 2015 (except for the paying taxes indicators, whichcover the period from January to December 2014).