The Land Governance Assessment Framework(LGAF) is a diagnostic tool to assess the status of landgovernance at country level using a participatory processthat draws systematically on existing evidence and localexpertise rather than on outsiders. The analysis covers ninethemes: land tenure recognition; rights to forest and commonlands and rural land use regulations; urban land use,planning, and development; public land management; processfor transfer of public land to private use; public provisionof land information (land administration and informationsystems); land valuation and taxation; dispute resolutionand review of institutional arrangements and policies. Theassessment follows a scorecard approach and produces amatrix of policy priorities matrix. The LGAF process helpsto establish a consensus on (i) gaps in existing evidence;(ii) areas for regulatory or institutional change, pilotingof new approaches, and interventions to improve landgovernance on a broader scale (e.g. by strengthening landrights and improving their enforcement); and (iii) criteriato assess the effectiveness of these measures. This reportpresents the result for South Sudan.