The importance of land governance in thesocio-economic development of a nation cannot beoveremphasized, as the allocation of land across competinguses can determine the type and level of economic activitiesthat can be carried out by individuals, groups, andbusinesses. The need for a systematic assessment of landgovernance arises from three factors: policy importance,institutional fragmentation, and technical complexity. Theland governance assessment framework (LGAF) was developed byWorld Bank, in partnership with Food and AgricultureOrganization (FAO), IFAD, IFPRI, United Nation (UN) habitatand the African union land policy initiative to facilitatean analysis of this nature, will allow for the comparison ofthe state of land governance in Sierra to global goodpractices in key areas of responsible land governance. Theresults of the LGAF in Sierra Leone will feed into theongoing voluntary guidelines on the responsible governanceof tenure of land, fisheries, and forests in the context ofnational food security (VGGT) discussions. The World Bankgenerally organizes a high level policy dialogue with thegovernment to discuss key conclusion and policyrecommendations. This report starts with a presentation ofthe methodology used in the implementation of the LGAF inSierra Leone. It will provide an overview of the role ofland in the economy and the history and context of land andtenure governance in Sierra Leone. It then presents theresults of the assessments, followed by for improving landgovernance. Finally, it presents the policy matrix inrelation to land matters in Sierra Leone.