Systems approach for better educationresults (SABER) early childhood development (ECD) collects,analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on ECDpolicies around the world. In each participating country,extensive multi-literature is collated and interviews areconducted with a range of ECD stakeholder includinggovernment officials, service providers, civil society,development partners, and scholars. The SABER ECD frameworkpresents a holistic and integrated assessment of how theoverall policy environment in a country affects youngchildren’s development. This assessment can be used toidentify how countries address the same policy challengesrelated to ECD, with the ultimate goal of designingeffective policies for young children and their families.SABER ECD identifies three core policy goals that countriesshould address to ensure optimal ECD outcomes: (i)establishing an enabling environment; (ii) implementingwidely; and (iii) monitoring and assuring quality.