This study focuses on, what is believedto be, a key client group of sex workers: mobile workers.While several studies have been conducted in Turkey on sexworkers, little evidence exists on their clients, the demandside of the commercial sex market. Research from othercountries has shown that mobile workers, who are oftenworking-age males spending significant time away from home,are more likely to have multiple sexual partners and visitsex workers (World Bank, 2009; Kulis et al., 2009; Marck,1999). The objective of this study is to determine the HIVknowledge, awareness, and behaviors among four mobile workergroups in Turkey that may have elevated risks for HIVinfection and transmission: sailors, truck drivers,construction, and tourism workers. Internationaltransportation, construction, and tourism are some of thefastest growing sectors of Turkey's economy, and mobileworkers in these sectors are believed to be one of the mainHIV transmission routes for future infections (Tumer andUnal, 2006). It is important to note two caveats of thisstudy. First, no biomarker data (e.g., HIV testing) wascollected from these workers, so conclusions regarding HIVprevalence or concentration of the epidemic cannot be made.Second, the sample did not include other at-risk groups orthe general population, so it is difficult to know whetherthe behaviors are more or less risky in other populationgroups. Where possible, comparisons with other studies orcountries are presented, but there are likely importantdifferences in sampling and methodology. The majorcontribution of this study, however, is that itcharacterizes the risk factors within the mobile workerpopulation in Turkey.