This report seeks to inform the processof design and implementation of institutional reformsrelated to the development of a new education qualityassurance system in Chile. The report is a synthesis reportthat draws on previous work by The World Bank in the contextof a two-year program of technical collaboration with theGovernment of Chile. As part of this collaboration, theWorld Bank produced two related reports, including: (i) acomparative report that analyzes the K-12 education qualityassurance systems of Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealandand Scotland to understand how quality assurance functionsare distributed across central government institutions; thecharacteristics of these institutions; and the relationshipsbetween them; and (ii) a comparative report that analyzeshow these four OECD systems have evolved over time; whatlessons emerge from their experience implementinginstitutional reforms in the past 15 years; and what lessonsemerge regarding the exercise of education quality assurancefunctions. In addition, the report draws on two researchpapers by local experts analyzing the implementation ofinstitutional reforms in Chile s health and criminal justicesectors, as well as on an analysis of the Chilean Ministryof Education s current organizational and human resourcescapabilities conducted by Ministry of Education staff.