Doing Business in Kenya 2012 is thesecond subnational report of the Doing Business series inKenya. In 2009, Doing Business in Kenya 2010 analyzedquantitative indicators on business regulations for 11cities: Eldoret, Garissa, Isiolo, Kilifi, Kisumu, Malaba,Mombasa, Nairobi, Narok, Nyeri, and Thika. This year, DoingBusiness in Kenya 2012 documents improvements in the 11cities previously measured and expands the analysis to 2 newcities: Kakamega and Nakuru. The cities can be comparedagainst each other, and with 183 economies worldwide. DoingBusiness investigates the regulations that enhance businessactivity and those that constrain it. Regulations affecting4 stages of the life of a business are measured at thesubnational level in Kenya: starting a business, dealingwith construction permits, registering property, andenforcing contracts. These indicators were selected becausethey cover areas of local jurisdiction or practice. Theindicators are used to identify business reforms and theextent to which these have been effective in simplifying theprocedures, saving time, and lowering the cost of doingbusiness. The data in Doing Business in Kenya 2012 arecurrent as of March 2012.