The changing nature of work is upendingtraditional employment globally, and with it, socialprotection systems. As countries like India aspire to growfurther and navigate a phase of rapid economictransformation, investments in social protection programsare critical to ensure broad gains for societies in general,and the poorest in particular. The series of articles takestock of India’s major social protection programs, includingpension programs, health insurance, the public distributionsystem, and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural EmploymentGuarantee Scheme. The latter two are among the largestanti-poverty measures in India and indeed the world, whilethe former are relatively new instruments for unorganizedworkers. However, these programs are important for India’sfuture social policy architecture as they attempt to de-linksocial security benefits from a person’s place of work. Thefinal two articles draw on experiences from the past decadeto highlight how best to use information technology tostrengthen the capability of governments to design andimplement social protection programs.