It is increasingly recognized that youngpeople are central to issues of crime and violence in SouthAfrica. While research, policy and programming havehistorically focused on children and adults, there is agrowing emphasis on youth as both victims and perpetratorsof violence. This report presents the findings of a countryassessment commissioned by the World Bank to support itsincorporating human rights into youth violence programmingand policy dialogues in Mexico and South Africa project.This aims to encourage policy dialogue on youth and violencewith the South African government and other stakeholders.The report: (i) examines the current situation of youthviolence in South Africa; (ii) summarizes the policyresponse by the government and the prevailing legal andinstitutional framework; (iii) identifies innovativeprogramming by civil society organisations; and (iv)identifies entry points for deeper policy dialogue andimproved interventions to address youth violence.