Indonesia has experienced strongeconomic growth and steady poverty reduction over the pastdecade,but the end of the commodity boom, accompanied byslowing poverty reduction and rising inequality, has putpressure on the country's overall economic development.Indonesia's average annual growth rate was 5.6 percentin the period 2001-12, equivalent to a GDP per capita ofabout US 3,500 dollars. The national poverty rate was halvedto 11.2 percent in the period from 1999 to 2015, largelythrough sustained growth and job creation. However, thedecline in commodity prices and demand slowed growth to 4.8percent in 2015 and 5.1 percent in 2016. The pace of povertyreduction also began to stagnate around this time, with anear zero decline in 2015, accompanied by rising inequality,from 30 points in 2000 to 41 points by 2014, as measured bythe Gini coefficient.