These Policy Notes seek to distill keyfindings from a broad range of World Bank Group engagementsin Bhutan, including policy dialogue, analytical work,strategic documents, project lending and trust fundedactivities. They build on discussions with governmentcounterparts, development partners, non-governmentalorganizations, representatives of the private sector, andother stakeholders. These Policy Notes are selective intheir coverage, and include synopses on each topic,highlighting key issues and challenges, and concluding withactionable policy recommendations. They cover a broad rangeof policy issues but are not intended to be comprehensive orexhaustive. This effort seeks to make these findings readilyavailable to the incoming government of Bhutan and supportthem in achieving their objective of ‘Narrowing the Gap’.The Policy Notes start with an overview section which bringstogether the key issues and is followed by sector-specificnotes which have been compiled under four broad thematic groupings.