Anticorruption Initiatives : Reaffirming Commitment to a Development Priority
World Bank Group
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  149539
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Corruption continues to have adisproportionate impact on the poor and most vulnerable,increasing the cost of, and reducing access to, health,education, justice, electricity and other basic services,thereby exacerbating inequality.It reduces privateinvestment as it increases risks for investors, withconsequent effects on growth and jobs. It distorts publicspending decisions and weakens the quality of publicinvestments as substandard infrastructure gets built and theregulatory systems for quality control and safety arebypassed. It erodes public trust in governments, underminingtheir legitimacy and posing a threat to peace and stability.This paper draws on these lessons and proposes a newapproach, both in terms of what we work on and how we work,focusing on initiatives to be led by the Bank’s EFI vicepresidency to reaffirm the Bank’s commitment toanticorruption. The initiatives refresh approaches that areshowing results, scale up those that are emerging and showpromise, or experiment and innovate where fresh thinking isneeded in our support to client countries to help themcontrol corruption. In this note, corruption is seen as botha symptom of underlying governance challenges and a problemin and of itself. For practical purposes, and to keep thefocus on corruption, the initiatives do not expound on themany aspects of governance that influence corruption. Thepaper also does not focus on efforts to control corruptionrisk in World Bank operations, but rather focus on thesupport that the EFI Vice Presidency will provide tocountries in their efforts to control corruption.

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