This country partnership framework(CPF), prepared jointly by the International Bank forReconstruction and Development (IBRD), the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Agency (MIGA) presents the World Bank Group’s(WBG’s) program for Togo during the period FY17 throughFY20. The CPF is aligned with the Government of Togo’sforthcoming national development plan (PND) for 2018-2022,which focuses on forging a solid, stable democratic nationwith strong, sustainable, inclusive growth; equitable accessto good-quality social services; and respect for theenvironment. The overarching objective of the CPF is to helppave the way to more inclusive and sustainable growth inTogo, led both by a more dynamic private sector and moreeffective government policies, public investments, andservices. The WBG’s strategy under the CPF emphasizesstrengthening governance, including strengtheninginstitutions and accountability, as a cross cutting themeintegrated in three focus areas: (i) private sectorperformance and job creation; (ii) inclusive public servicedelivery; and (iii) environmental sustainability andresilience. The CPF seeks to take full advantage of the newInternational Development Association (IDA) 18 architectureand increased support for fragile states to scale up WBGsupport and promote joint IDA and IFC support. The CPF alsoseizes on a window of opportunity to support thegovernment’s ambitious efforts to stabilize themacroeconomic framework and mitigate fiscal risks, aprerequisite for sustainable growth.