Vietnam has achieved remarkable successin reducing poverty while controlling inequality. Thecountry’s broad-based growth reflects the government’s focuson developing labor-intensive export sectors while investingheavily in human capital that saw the country exceed itspeers. However, gains have been concentrated among the Kinhand Hoa ethnic majority, while minority groups have not onlycontinued to experience poverty rates far above the nationalaverage, but have seen slower progress too. This reportanalyzes recent trends in poverty and shared prosperity. Itpresents the findings of the 2016 Vietnam household andliving standards survey (VHLSS), highlighting importantprogress and identifying new challenges. The report isorganized into two main sections. The first section reviewsVietnam’s progress in reducing poverty and promoting shareprosperity. It describes updated poverty and sharedprosperity trends, the nature of economic mobility, and thedrivers of poverty reduction. The second section – titledleaving no one behind is more forward-looking, starting byidentifying major constraints faced by the poor, thenproceeding to lay out challenges for moving the poverty andshared prosperity agenda going forward.