Bosnia and Herzegovina Railways Policy Note
World Bank
Washington, DC: World Bank
关键词: railroad;    railways;    EU Acquis;    industry structure;    state-owned;   
RP-ID  :  110653
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

This Policy Note has been prepared toassist the governments of the Entities in Bosnia andHerzegovina to better understand the current conditions ofthe railway sector,assess the policy options for modernizingit and help chart a course ahead. Railway performance isbenchmarked against a number of regional comparatorcountries and against the European Union average. Thefinancial performance of each railway has been examined bymain business sectors (freight, passenger and networkinfrastructure) using a railway cost allocation modeldeveloped by the Bank. Sector policies have also beenassessed in terms of budget impact. Public policy decisionson the railway sector are the prerogative of the governmentsofthe Entities. To help inform their decisions a range ofstructural and policy options is presented, their keyfeatures delineated and relative merits discussed. The rangeof policy options has been discussed with representatives ofthe Entity governments and railways butno endorsement of anypolicy option has been given at this stage. The Policy Notedoes present the Bank team’s opinions on certain of theoptions where this seems warranted but is not intended to be prescriptive.

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