Despite a slight increase in femalelabor participation between 2012 and 2013, employment ratesin Serbia stood at 40.1 percent for women in 2013, almost 15percentage points below employment rates for men (at 54.9percent). International evidence shows that support forchildcare and eldercare affects women’s labor marketparticipation. This note examines the care needs of familieswith children and or elderly household members and theprovision of formal care services in Serbia with an emphasison the availability, price, and quality characteristics.Based on the analysis of an independent mixed-methodsdataset collected in the Western Balkans region, this notedocuments the perceptions and barriers in the use of qualityformal care in Serbia. Quality provision of formal eldercarecan potentially improve health outcomes for the elderlythrough prevention, early detection, and consistentmaintenance of chronic diseases, which may imply long-termcost savings in the healthcare sector.