The land governance assessment framework(LGAF) is an innovative and participatory diagnostic toolthat assesses the state of land governance in a country. TheLGAF has optional modules for other topics such aslarge-scale land acquisition, forest land, andregularization of rights in urban areas. In South Africa,large-scale land acquisition was selected as an additionalthematic area, as was the case in Nigeria. A framework ofapproximately 21 land governance indicators guides theprocess in these thematic areas, each divided into three orfour dimensions. In South Africa the LGAF process began in2011. It was started by the World Bank and implemented byurban landmark. This booklet summarizes the results of theLGAF process in South Africa. Section one givesintroduction. Section two contextualizes key issues aroundland, looking at the history, situation today, and thecadastral system. Section three provides a broad overview ofwhere South Africa is doing well, and where not so well, interms of land governance issues. Sections 4A to 4F presentthe LGAF findings for each of the six thematic areas, eachstarting with performance against the LGAF scorecard forthat thematic area, and then discussing key issues. Sectionfive summarizes the findings and main recommendations whichemerged during the LGAF process in South Africa. Section sixconcludes this resource, and suggests some key areas forfurther examination.