The Country Partnership Framework (CPF)for Montene gro covers the period from July 1, 2015 to June30, 2020 (fiscal years 2016-2020). This CPF builds on theresults and lessons of the previous World Bank Group (WBG)Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), which originally coveredthe period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014, and wassubsequently extended to June 30, 2015.The one-year CPS)extension was intended to provide greater clarity on thecountry’s medium-term macro-fiscal framework as a basis forthe new CPF, and to give additional time to make progress onimproving environmental management, a key pillar of the CPS.The new CPF seeks to address the top priorities identifiedby the recently completed Systematic Country Diagnostic(SCD) as those that Montenegro needs to most urgently tackleto advance in its path towards shared prosperity andsustainable development. The CPF will selectively supportMontenegro’s development agenda outlined in the MontenegroDevelopment Directions (MDD) 2015-2018, Economic Reformprogram(ERP) 2015-2017 and the Montenegro European Union(EU) Accession Program 2014-17. The WBG strategy willcontinue to support, and be aligned with, Montenegro’s EUaccession and integration process. The formulation of thenew CPF benefitted from extensive consultations held inOctober 2015 and in January and March 2016, and involvingseveral line ministries, municipalities, civil society,academia, and private sector across various regions of thecountry, as well as representatives of the internationaldevelopment community. The resulting proposal for engagementunder the FY16-20 CPF reflects a broad consensus of a widerange of stakeholders and a shared understanding ofdevelopment priorities and challenges facing the country.