The performance of the Malian economy islargely dependent on the performance of the agriculturalsector. The overall good growth in the Malian economy overthe last several years is attributed to the agricultural GDPgrowth. Since 1995, the economy grew at about 5 percent peryear until 2010, but a global recession, the military coupand terrorist activity caused a noticeable slowdown in GDPto about 1.2 percent in 2011-2012. The economic growth hasresumed at a slow pace since 2013 and is currently estimatedaround 4.5 percent for 2014-2015. Agricultural developmentin general and agricultural finance in particular ishampered by a lack of quality data on the sector. Althoughimproving, reliable statistical information is still lackingin Mali. There are often inconsistencies in agriculturaldata presented in the various reports available in thecountry. Although data on the main food crops and cotton arereadily available, quality information on the high potentialvalue chains, like mango and meat and dairy value chains, isless frequently provided. The lack of quality agriculturalstatistics makes public planning and analysis difficult anddeters private sector investment.