Globally, an estimated 24 percent of thedisease burden (healthy life years lost) and an estimated 23percent of all deaths (premature mortality) are attributableto environmental risks (World Health Organization, or WHO2006). The burden of disease is unequally shared, with thechildren and the poor being particularly affected. Amongchildren between the ages 0 and 14, the proportion of deathsattributable to environmental risks, such as poor water andsanitation, indoor air pollution and vector-borne diseases,is estimated to be as high as 36 percent (WHO 2006). Severalkey messages have emerged from the process of puttingtogether this study: (i) environmental health risks impose asignificant burden on Nicaraguas economy, amounting to 2.6billion Nicaraguan Cordoba (NIO) or 2.4 percent of thecountrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and result inpremature deaths and infections, especially in childrenunder five; (ii) cost-effective interventions to addressthese environmental health risks exist and should beprioritized in Nicaragua; (iii) country-specific health andenvironmental data are somewhat limited, especially in thecase of air quality, and data collection and monitoring needto be further strengthened; and (iv) the capacity ofMinistry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) andMinistry of Health (MINSA) staff to conduct environmentalhealth costing analysis needs to be strengthened throughproper training.