The Lao People’s Democratic Republic isin one of theten most important global biodiversityecoregions and home to some of the world’s biologicallyrichest and most endangered species. The biodiversityendowment is crucial to the Lao economy. The goods andecosystem services it provides are essential to reducepoverty, secure livelihoods, and drive a greener economicgrowth model. But Lao PDR’s biodiversity is in danger. Thehighest priority threats to the country’s biodiversityvalues include climate change, illegal logging and wildlifetrade, infrastructure development in and around protectedareas, and expansion of agriculture and settlements. Thispolicy note is a summary of the report which aims tohighlight key issues to add value to the the upcoming Laolandscapes and livelihoods project with financing from theWorld Bank and the global environment facility.