Can Community Health Officer-Midwives Effectively Integrate Skilled Birth Attendance in the Community-Based Health Planning and Services Program in Rural Ghana?
Sakeah, Evelyn ; McCloskey, Lois ; Bernstein, Judith ; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo ; Mills, Samuel ; Doctor, Henry V.
BioMed Central
关键词: community-based service delivery;    maternal mortality;    skilled birth attendance;   
DOI  :  10.1186/1742-4755-11-90
RP-ID  :  102437
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】
The burden of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa is very high. In Ghana maternal mortality ratio was 380 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2013. Skilled birth attendance has been shown to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, yet in 2010 only 68 percent of mothers in Ghana gave birth with the assistance of skilled birth attendants. In 2005, the Ghana Health Service piloted a strategy that involved using the integrated Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) program and training Community Health Officers (CHOs) as midwives to address the gap in skilled attendance in rural Upper East Region (UER). The study assesses the feasibility of and extent to which the skilled delivery program has been implemented as an integrated component of the existing CHPS, and documents the benefits and challenges of the integrated program. We employed an intrinsic case study design with a qualitative methodology. We conducted 41 in-depth interviews with health professionals and community stakeholders. We used a purposive sampling technique to identify and interview our respondents.
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