Frontiers in Public Health
Predictors of Antenatal Care, Skilled Birth Attendance, and Postnatal Care Utilization among the Remote and Poorest Rural Communities of Zambia: A Multilevel Analysis
Choolwe Jacobs1 
关键词: antenatal care;    focused antenatal care;    skilled birth attendance;    postnatal care;    maternal health-care utilization;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpubh.2017.00011
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】
ObjectiveOptimal utilization of maternal health-care services is associated with reduction of mortality and morbidity for both mothers and their neonates. However, deficiencies and disparity in the use of key maternal health services within most developing countries still persist. We examined patterns and predictors associated with the utilization of specific indicators for maternal health services among mothers living in the poorest and remote district populations of Zambia.
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