This handbook outlines an approach toproactively manage the risks of geohazards on roads, roadusers, and the people living near and affected by road. Thishandbook is structured to support road geohazard riskmanagement sequentially and systematically: Part I,Framework for Road Geohazard Risk Management, helps usersunderstand the framework for road geohazard risk management,introduces some basic concepts, and provides context to theoverall handbook; Part II, Institutional Capacity andCoordination, covers the institutional arrangements that arenecessary for the successful implementation of geohazardmanagement; Part III, Systems Planning, covers the systemsplanning aspects, pertaining to the identification,assessment, and evaluation of risks, along with raisingawareness of disasters; Part IV, Engineering and Design,deals with the engineered solutions to address geohazardrisks, giving examples of different solutions to particularrisk types; Part V, Operations and Maintenance, focuses onthe operations and maintenance aspects of geohazardmanagement whether the maintenance of previously engineeredsolutions or the nonengineered solutions available tomitigate the impacts of geohazard risks; Part VI,Contingency Planning, addresses contingency programmingissues, such as postdisaster response and recovery, and theimportant issue of funding arrangements; and Part VII,References and Resource Materials, contains the referencelist and additional online resources. Additionally, thishandbook includes standard templates for terms of reference(ToRs) that can be adapted for technical assistance projectsfor road geohazard risk management (see Appendix A) and anoperation manual (OM) for the practitioners involved withroad geohazard risk management (see Appendix B).